Dissapointing that members fail to notify the Centre, their drawn opponent nor myself when they cannot make their teetime. This resulted in a member being unable to play their round as there was no member to mark their scorecard.
Members MUST book to play in drawn events and cannot turn up and play. Therefore one Senior has had their input score disqualified.
36 seniors booked to play and 31 actually played.
Results for Division One - 7 players
1st - 72 Bih Brian Duncan £4.50
2nd -72 Jack Scott £2.50
Division Two - 13 players
1st - 70 Rab Beattie £6.50
2nd - 73Bih Donald Nairn £4.00
3rd - 73 Keith Ewan £2.50
Division Three - 11 players
1st - 72 Donald Gemmell £5.50
2nd - 74 Bih Michael Offen £3.50
3rd - 74 Ian Baaallantyne £2.00
Two's - only two recorded, both winning £7.50
13th - Joe Wilson and 17th - Fred Barber.
Lunchtime scorecards have still to be checked at this time so results may be amanded.
remember that the greens sstart to be cored next week so future competitions may be on hybrid course of mixed summer and winter grr=eens. This may result in competitions being non counting for handicap purposes.